Student Projects

Interdisciplinary Studies Student Projects

Several UCCS students have explored the intersection of cybersecurity with their preferred field of study in LAS. The resulting papers, infographics, and videos demonstrate how cybersecurity impacts their respective fields.

Cybersecurity & Philosophy

Project Title: Cybersecurity & Philosophy: An Intersection

Student: Zaheer Charles

Like criminals in the physical world, cybercriminals have evolved in their methods and tactics for engaging in unethical hacking. This has created the need for a cleverer cyberspace officer who thinks outside the box. Enter, the cybersecurity professional with a Liberal Arts background.

Cybersecurity & Math

Project Title: Mathematics in Cybersecurity

Student: Aidan Rooney

Cybersecurity often evokes images of a hoard of programmers working to stay ahead of hackers, but in reality, cybersecurity is a multi-disciplinary science, incorporating social science, computer science, programming, information technology science, and especially mathematics.

Cybersecurity & TCID

Project Title: Cybersecurity and Technical Communication and Information Design (TCID)

Student: Taran Pearce

One of the primary issues of Cybersecurity is the complexity of the content. This creates an opportunity for technical writing majors who can break down the complex information technology issues associated with cybersecurity and present them in digestible ways.

Project Title: Cybersecurity: A Valuable Skillset for TCID Students

Student: Jacob Steele

Technical communicator jobs are numerous in the cybersecurity field – and the value these roles can bring to companies is vast. Explore various positions such as Technical Writer, Documentation Specialist, and others.

Cybersecurity & English

Project Title: English Majors in Cybersecurity

Name: Madison Agner

Does the cybersecurity profession apply to English majors? Most philosophies of cyber and digital innovation and practice originate in literature. Ideas like artificial intelligence (AI), technogenesis, and ponderings on ethical concerns regarding digital practice were all conceptualized and popularized through literary minds.

Two students sitting reading outside on grass.

Cybersecurity & Sociology

Project Title: Can Sociology Majors Work in Cybersecurity? 

Name: Megan Garedakis

Sociology teaches cybersecurity professionals how to identify the vital link between social conditions and crime, and the link between cybersecurity and globalization.

UCCS Sign.

Cybersecurity & Economics

Project Title: Cybersecurity from the Perspective of Economics

Name: Aidan Westbrook

As a cybersecurity economist, one provides insightful value to employers by using powerful economic analyses and detailed research metrics to bolster the security of an organization's financial assets.

UCCS Clocktower at Night.